Channel: TheLoLHounds
Category: Gaming
Tags: sionruneterra deck guiderank 1 legends of runeterramasterslegends of runeterrasion guidelorbeyond the bandlewoodlolhoundspiltover vs zaundraven decksion decklor metathelolhoundsdiscard sionlor climbdraven sionjinx sionruneterra deckdravenlor sionnoxussion lordiscard sion dravenbest deck
Description: Legends of Runeterra (LOR). How I got Rank 1 in the new Bandle City region expansion with Discard Sion and Draven deck. Includes gameplay from the game that got me masters and the game that got me rank 1 masters. Deck guide. Sion undead. Decklist: CECACAIDCQAQGBASAMAQIJRNGQCAKAYBAQDA2BABAMBQ6AIEAQIAEAIEAETQEBIDBEHQCAICAMEQ Twitter: Twitch: