Channel: one cute couponer
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: our tribe of manyfinancial freedomshopping challengeone cute couponerdumpster divingwalmartwalgreensbeans and ricebudgetingeat for free$10 challengelife hacksaldi grocery haulcouponsdave ramseysaving challengehow to get free foodextreme couponinghow to eat for freecouponingfree foodon a budget
Description: Let's see if I can plan dinner for a week with absolutely no coupons and only $10. I decided to try this at Aldi. The prices are reasonable and since Aldi doesn't accept coupons I wouldn't be tempted to use any. I had a ton of fun doing this. Let me know what you would have spent the $10 on. ✅I Ate 3 meals a day FOR A WEEK with ONLY a $10 Budget!! Click below to see how ✅I only did FREE stuff ON MY BIRTHDAY. No Cash Spent! Click below to see how. ✅Learn how to get FREE FOOD at restaurants all you need is your phone! ✅ I spent $2,000 on Fast Food in ONE WEEK! Click below to see how & why. ✅I Ate 3 meals a day FOR A WEEK with ONLY a $10 Budget!! Click below to see how #couponcommunity #couponing #extremecouponer #couponer #coupons #occgang #youtube #trending#aldi #groceries #shopping #food #groceryhaul #foodbudget #budgeting