Channel: Cowsep
Category: Gaming
Tags: cowsep yicowsep zhonyacowsep junglelmht cowseplol vietnambest yizhonyacowsep master yivietnam cowsepmaster yi guidecowsep vietnamcowstep vietnamsepimnidacowsep stream highlightscaosepcow sepmaster yii was in alphabest master yicowstepcowsep zhonya'smaster yi highlightzhonya's cowsepmaster yi montagevietnam lmhtzhonya's hourglasscowsepcow stepcowsep lmhtleague of legendscowsep ragelmht
Description: Well you see, its quite easy to beat Tryndamere, especially as Master Yi. Buy some Plated Steel Caps, meditate his damage, and then Alpha strike near the end of his ultimate. Now what if he gets more fed than he does in this video? Well in that case, you want to buy a Randuins omen. I have a great short showing this in action too, I'll pin it in the comments. Enjoy full unedited games? Enjoy shorts? Cowsep lives in Korea and was an English teacher for 2 years. Now he plays League of Legends in Korea, China, Vietnam, and Philippines.