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How does a fake eye get fitted? (I'm getting a new eye!)

Duration: 12:54Views: 17.8KLikes: 563Date Created: Jan, 2022

Channel: Kelsey Ellison

Category: People & Blogs

Tags: how does an eye get fittedartificial eyeprosthetic eyedisabilityglass eyedisableddisability awarenessfake eyefitting

Description: Hello you, I hope you're good! Today I show you my journey to getting a new eye and answer the question how does a fake eye get fitted? There's also a twist and a surprise which I'm super excited about! Have more questions? Feel free to ask below! Watch 'She's a Pirate!' - youtu.be/VELtnXvVZvo Subscribe below to know when my videos come out :) tinyurl.com/af9acyq Email: contact.kelseyellison@gmail.com #Disabilityawareness

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