Channel: Katrin Berndt
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: youtubeswedishyoutube tutorialhow do i grow my channel? · 5 common youtuber mistakesmy channel is not growingyoutube 101how to grow your channelkatrin berndtswedentutorialsarah hawkinsonhow do i grow my channelhow to get more viewssocial mediahow to youtube
Description: Join the newsletter gang: ♥ In today's YouTube 101 video, I go through 5 very common beginner YouTuber mistakes. Why are your videos on getting views? Why have you not even started your channel yet? Hmm. I hope you learned something today and if you liked the video, make sure to give it a thumbs up. See you again next week! #YouTube101 Links & FAQ Below ↓ ------------------------- Check out Sarah's channel (but don't speak to her viewers haha): ------------------------- · SOCIAL MEDIA · Join my Facebook group! Website/blog: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: [Sponsored by our own company, WaDeHell] Check out our merch here: Instagram: Facebook: ------------------------- · FAQ · ♥ Where are you from? Sweden ♥ What camera do you use? Canon EOS M6 + Canon G7X mk II ♥ What size are your ears/septum? 30mm ears and 3.2 mm septum ♥ Can you make a video about so and so? Probably yes, unless I've already made one! Comment below and ask. ------------------------- · FOR COMPANIES · Hi there! If you have a business inquiry, please do email me at the address below with a detailed description of your proposal and I will get back to you as soon as possible! Email me at ♥ All opinions in this video and on this channel are my own and not affected by any third party. ------------------------- Thank you for your amazing support! Without you guys, this wouldn't be as much fun for me. Lots of hugs! ♥ Katrin How Do I Grow My Channel? · 5 Common YouTuber Mistakes