Channel: Robot Head
Category: Entertainment
Tags: baby yodaahsoka tanocollidergeeks and gamersmoviea new hopelightsaberlucasfilmahsokathe last jedijj abramsjedikathleen kennedydisneyreviewthe mandalorianlucas filmrobot headstar warsthe force awakensthe rise of skywalkerthe childrian johnsonred letter media
Description: Why does no-one remember the Jedi in Star Wars anymore? For 68% off and 4 months free visit NordVPN at and use the coupon at checkout: robothead Ever since Disney took over Star Wars from George Lucas the Jedi have gone missing. Everyone seems to have forgotten not only Luke Skywalker but all of the Jedi. How did this happen? Do Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilm not like the Jedi? I think the reason is pretty simple. Let’s try and bring the Jedi back! Twitter: Patreon: T Shirts: #TheMandalorian #StarWars