Channel: Ross Campbell
Category: Music
Tags: sweet child o' mine coverbulletproof guitar playerslash tone tutorialslash rig rundownguns n' roses sweet child o' mine coverles paul slashsweet child of mine tonehow to get slash's toneslash les paulslash sweet child o' mine coverslash presetsweet child o' mine toneslash lessonross campbell guitarslash toneross campbell slashslash sweet child o' mineslash appetite toneappetite for destruction tone
Description: Try my tone for FREE 🎸 Neural DSP Fortin Cali Suite trial ➡️ My 'Appetite' preset ➡️ Download a free trial of Fortin Cali Suite, then download my 'Appetite' preset. With the plugin open, simply drag and drop the xml file onto it and you'll be able to play with the exact tone used in this video. 🎸 Learn guitar from me at ➡️