Channel: SciFi Explained
Category: Entertainment
Tags: how big is king konglegendary monsterversescifi explainedhow big is konghow big are godzilla and kongkong is big nowhow tallkaiju explainedhow tall is godzillakong grown upgodzilla vs konglegendaryhow tall is kongmillenium godzillaheisei godzillahow big is godzillaking konghow bigkong too bigshowa godzilla
Description: Its time for another "how big" video for the Godzilla universe! This time, its a two for one, as I take a look at both Kong and Godzilla from Godzilla VS. Kong in the Legendary Monsterverse! How big are these two when compared to other Godzillas and King Kongs? Music: TeknoAXE's Royalty Free Music Aerial - Synthwave - Royalty Free Music TeknoAXE's Royalty Free Music Brooding Ben - Synthwave - Royalty Free Music Synthwave E TeknoAXE's Royalty Free Music CO.AG Music 1 Million Neon Lights - Futuristic Sci-fi Electronic Background Music TeknoAXE's Royalty Free Music Edge of Tomorrow - Synthwave - Royalty Free Music #Godzilla #GodzillaVSKong #SciFiExplained