Channel: Xoxo Ella
Category: Entertainment
Tags: princess ella worldprincess ella's worldhoco dresses 2018homecoming 2018get ready with me homecomingellas worldprincess ellaprincess ellas momprincess ellas parentshomecoming queenhoco 2018homecoming vlogprincess ellas worldprincess dressprincess ella world videoshoco dressprincess ella's world homecomingprincess ellas friendshomecoming grwmvloghomecoming dressprom grwmgrwm homecomingget ready with me
Description: Hey guys so the day is finally here and I got to wear the dress that you guys helped me pick out. I love taking you guys along to get ready with me. I ended up going with dress number 12, thank you guys so much for helping me pick out the perfect dress. Homecoming was so much fun and all the girls looked so beautiful. Thanks so much for watching and please remember to like, share and subscribe xoxo Ella Fan mail address: princess ella's world 3070 Lakecrest circle suite 400-264 Lexington, KY 40513 click the link for my instagram my is ella_dancer_32