Channel: Tayber
Category: Gaming
Tags: jitterclicktayber skywarshypixel bedwarsskywarsmouse and keyboardtayber hypixel skywarsskywars opal prestigeskywars tipskeyboard asmrskywars updateskywars tips and tricksminecraft mouse and keyboard soundmouse and keyboard asmrtayberskywars tricksprestige partyfast typing asmrtips and tricksopal prestigetayber minecraft40 starsopal prestige iconbedwarsasmrtayber skyblockskywars prestige party
Description: i was supposed to upload this on the 11th but im too unstable to do anything. sorry for the short video, love yall Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 1:02 Getting 40 Stars 2:52 Mouse and Keyboard Sounds ►Enjoyed the video? Please hit the like button! ►Be sure to subscribe for more content. Social Links: ► Twitter: ► Instagram: