Channel: LetsPlay
Category: Gaming
Tags: lets playgaminggamevirtual realityvideo gamelet's playahachievement huntergame playhitman vrhitmanvrmultiplayergameplay
Description: Go to to cut your wireless bill to $15 a month. When the virtual world is in need of some saving. There's only one group to call... Achievement Hunter? That's right! We take the dive into Hitman VR! Guided by Gavin, our Master Assassin, Alfredo, Michael, and Jack come along on the first virtual chaos-filled Hitman mission. More Hitman ► Head to our site for early, uncensored content: » Get your Let's Play merch: » Subscribe: About Let's Play: Hello fellow Gamer. This you should watch me. I play game. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you watch me, I'm hot. Videos, they'll be better... The Let's Play view is the right thing to do YouTube, so do. More from Let's Play: » Achievement Hunter: #HitmanVR #Hitman #VR