Channel: Brilliant News
Category: Entertainment
Tags: strange animals that really existstrange animal factsinterestingstrange animalstop 10 strongest animalsstrange animals in the worldwild animalsstrange animals caught on tapestrangest animalsstrangestinteresting factsfacts about the animal kingdomfactsamazing factsbrilliant newsstrangest animal factsstrangest animals on earthstrangest animals in the worldanimal factsanimal kingdombizarre animal factsfacts about animalsanimalanimals
Description: Animals are incredibly interesting, so much so, that you humans have come up with all sorts of statistics and facts about them, which, although incredibly interesting, are (in typical human fashion) completely wrong... 1. Bats are Blind. This one is just plain stupid! If bats were blind they'd keep flying into stuff and they would be able to catch their prey! Yes, Yes, I know they use echolocation! but they only use it at night and they generally prefer to use their eyesight when hunting. In fact, many fruit bats actually have incredibly good vision and don't use echolocation at all! 2. Goldfish Have Short Memories. People think it's ok to put a Goldfish in a plastic bag because it has such a short memory that it doesn't realize it's in such a small space. Well, according to some researchers at Plymouth University, Goldfish have a memory span of at least 3 months and may even be able to tell the time! These researchers trained Goldfish to press a lever to receive food, then, once they had learned this, they restricted it to only work for one hour in the day. Soon the team realized that as this "Feeding" hour approached the goldfish activity around the lever would drastically increase. Apparently, goldfish can also learn to distinguish between different shapes, sounds, and colors too! 3. Hippos Don't Sweat. A lot of people think that Hippos can't sweat and so they stay in the water to keep cool, this is in reality, at least partly true! Hippos' skin is extremely susceptible to sunburn and dehydration and so they spend most of the day in the water. They don't have disgusting sweat glands like you humans do, instead, their body secretes a red mucus that acts as a moisturizer, an antibiotic, and a water-repellant layer. Its sticky red texture led the first European discoverers in Africa to call it "Blood Sweat". 4. Lemming Commit Mass Suicide. Judging by the video game "Lemmings" you'd think that all lemmings have a death wish or are just incredibly stupid. This in fact is not true, and the root of this myth lies in a 1958 documentary called White Wilderness and made by the evilest human corporation on the planet... D****y! Lucifer in Cinderella, evil. The Cossack Cats in American Tail, evil. Shere Khan in The Jungle Book, evil. Si and Am from Lady and the tramp, evil. Sabor from Tarzan, evil, and don't even get me started on Oliver and Company or Aristocats! Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, Evil D****y Documentary! In this "documentary", the narrator claims that lemmings rush of the cliff in droves to keep numbers down in periods of overpopulation. It turns out that for this scene, D****y imported the lemmings into Alberta, Canada, and then herded them off a 'fluffing' cliff!! Do you see? evil! Remember that one, next time you see Frozen. "Do you wanna build a snowman? Throw some lemmings off a cliff?" See more at