Channel: HiphopTamizha
Category: Music
Tags: theatricalmusic albumreleasenew albumtheatrical trailerofficialunreleasedtrailerdebutremy martin hiphoppurplenotetrailer (promotion)exclusiveteaser traileralbum (musical album type)club le mabbu letrackhiphop tamizhanbrandlatestrapsongnewadhi hiphoptamizhaalbum releasesathyam cinemasremy martinhiphopr&bmobile devicehiphop tamizhabrand newofficial trailer
Description: Hiphop Tamizhan is the first ever tamil hiphop album from India. Adhi is the first ever Asian artist to associate with Remy Martin Hiphop. It also features the first viral hit " Club Le Mabbu Le " in it. Artist: Adhi Music Producer: Jeeva Beatz, Distributed by Purplenote.