Channel: Stone Age The Legendary Pet 스톤에이지
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: jurassic parkgamelegendtrexdinosaur videodinosaur movietyrannosaurusgame animationmogajurassic worldcartoon for kidstrainerdinosaurstoneagepetkidsstone age the legendary petdinosaur animecartoonstone agewoodyvideo for kidstweendinosaur animationt-rexdinosaur cartoon
Description: Answering to no one, Golros flattens Dr. Thales. If Golros manages to escape the cave, the collapse of Tectonika is only a matter of time! Woody thinks of a plan to stop that from happening, but his strategy is no match for Golros’ superior strength, and he ends up falling down a bottomless pit of doom. ★Subscribe Stone Age The Legendary Pet YouTube channel to watch new videos everyday! 👉👉