Channel: PS22 Chorus
Category: Music
Tags: 22p.s.22psyoungyearkidyouthcoverpublicschoolchildrenclubyrtenlyricslive10kidssingingoldislandgradersacoustic2020versionstatengleeps22choirgradeelementaryfifthchorusprimaryremix
Description: instagram/theps22chorus Taking a break from all things negative/dismal/scary/apocalyptic to present THIS bit of awesomeness!! As part of a contest sponsored by @Coldplay &, Mrs. Lopez's second grade class coded a dance party to the song. "Higher Power!" Then they had a dance party of their own to match the moves of the animated sprites they coded. And as the coup de grace, we brought in the PS22 Chorus to do its thing... #codeplay #coldplay #higherpower #code #STEM #ps22 #ps22chorus #csforallnyc #sepjrnyc #sibod31 SONG: "Higher Power" Coldplay KID CODERS: Mrs. Lopez's second graders TECH TEACHERS: Leslie. Johnson & Erica Simone CHOREOGRAPHY: Sabrina Esposito DANCERS: Mrs. Donath (principal), Mrs. Lopez and her second graders FILMED BY: Ms. Lisa