Channel: IcyFive
Category: Gaming
Tags: fortnite funny momentskilling ninjafunny momentshigh kill gamebuild fight fortniteninja fortnitetwitch highlightsmomentsninja rageninjashyperstream highlightsbattle royalefortnitefunnyinsane build fighti killed ninjafortnite gameplaygamingfortnite ninjatwitchroyaleepic gamesfortnite battle royalefortnite battleroyalenightfortnite highlightsbattlehighlightsninjafortnite funnygameplay
Description: Good High Kill Fortnite game! This was a good high kill fortnite game! My and my friend Porshz decided to duo/squad some Solid Gold! Hope everyone enjoyed the video! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! V BUCK GIVEAWAYY LETS GET THIS GAMER BREAK BOIS! Hope everyone has a good night! Thanks for watching ;)! -=+=- Links -=+=- Twitch: Twitter: