Channel: Dany Darkly
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: abstract animationred queenmarkus wormstormalice madness returns ostabstractdany darklymel hoppenheim school of cinemahide and seekanimation
Description: I just realized that I never posted this one on here, it's been available to watch on my Vimeo page for at least a month now... whoops ovo;; Abstract animation I did for character animation class, enjoy~! Update: gonna be busying myself with commissions this month, so expect some old content for a bit before I get to posting my new stuff (bear with me) "orz ------- Check out my Vimeo for other animation projects I've done: And my Tumblr page for more of my art: And hey, why not follow me on Instagram for other shiz: Other Social Media: Facebook Page: Twitter: Thanks for watching!