Channel: fretjam
Category: Music
Tags: major 9th chordstriad shapesminor 7th chordsguitar theorymajor 7th chordsdominant 9th chordsminor 9th chordsmajor chordsminor chordsguitar arpeggiosguitar chordsextended guitar chordschord shapesguitar triadschords across the fretboardlearn guitar fretboard
Description: Get the most out of triads and learn a new way of seeing the guitar fretboard with my Chord Connections course... In this lesson we learn how playing triads, arpeggios and scales in relative positions to the chords we're playing over can instantly add colour to our playing. The benefit of this "relative triads" concept is that you can use the same familiar major and minor triads (whether 3 or 4 string chord shapes or arpeggio patterns) to extend the backing chords. For example, what happens when we play C major over A minor? What happens when we play B minor over E minor? Get the complete lesson here...