Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Category: Gaming
Tags: base is donemy hermitcraft basechest monster automatic storagemy hermitcraft base is donehermitcraft 8hermitcraft seasonmumbo mega storage systemmumbo jumbo mega basei liedhermitcraft season 8chest monsterhermitcraft 8: episode 33 - i liedmega storage systemhermitcrafthermitcraft 8: episode 33automatic storage system
Description: In this episode of Hermitcraft Season 8, Mumbo works on the Mumbo Mega Storage system. This Chest Monster automatic storage system had no roof, so it was time to get one installed. With that element added, the Mumbo Jumbo mega base is NOW COMPLETE! My Hermitcraft base is done! MUMBO MERCH: Filming channel: Instagram: Twitter: