Channel: 4 Ever Green
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: shaun ellisthe tiger princeanimal friendshipdangerous animals at homeunlikely friendships4 ever greenwild animals as petsthe real life wolf-mananimal human friendshipsunusual petspeople who kept wild animals as petsbig catscraziest beast buddiesfriendships humans and wild animalskevin richardsonkody antlepeople who live with wild animalsexotic petshome zoounusual friendshipslion whisperoranimal friendsstrange friendships
Description: Love knows no bounds, not even species. Sometimes, a language barrier makes a bond more precious. The same goes for people who have a special connection to animals. These stories are always fascinating, and one of them is about Neil, the lion. He fell in love with a girl and became way too obsessed with his human girlfriend. That's not the first time, though; even a beluga whale developed a crush on a human and would get jealous too! But, of course, not all relationships are that complicated. This 79-year-older diver and sheepshead fish are so simple that they're decades old! So let's get started before curiosity gets the best of you!