Channel: Thadudette
Category: Comedy
Tags: heaven's lightcourt of miraclesquasimodofrolloout therethe hunchback of notre damegod help the outcastsvictor hugohellfirebells of notre dameesmeraldaphoebus
Description: Suddenly, bad puns everywhere! XD Part of the fun of literals is making people sing extremely mundane things in dramatic voices, but man ... this song really takes that up a notch XD Thanks a TON to Gordy Driver for providing Frollo's vocals! :D I used NVIChannel's instrumental version for this song! Though I can't find it now for some reason ... nonetheless, here's the well-deserved credit to that channel xD ——————————————————— THANK YOU to the following Young Adult Thaddling patrons for helping me produce this video! :D -Jennifer H -Jordan Barker ——————————————————— Links~ MomentsMagiques: Patreon: Facebook: Twitter: ——————————————————— Favorite line: "I don't know what my Patronus is; let me check Pottermore to go and take the quiz"