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Hear me out...

Duration: 07:35Views: 56.4KLikes: 2.2KDate Created: Dec, 2018

Channel: Brett Cap

Category: Entertainment

Tags: vegan eatinghear me outintermittentfastingbrettdietingoutbrett cap hear me outcapcarli bybel brett capholidaysinfluencervegansfitnessmehappy healthy veganvegan gainsdiethearnew year's resolutionsnew yearsbrett cap vegandrink watercarli bybelhealthveganwaterbrett hear me out2019nutritionintermittent fastingveganismhow to fastbrett capnew year tipsvegan diethear me out brett capvegan brett capdecember 2018

Description: Hear me out on some New Year tips for a better you! #Vegan #IntermittentFasting #Healthy #Diet 1.) GOING VEGAN •try a 7, 14, 21 or 30-day Vegan diet plan to shock your body and rejuvenate your regimen with your food intake. Whatever your diet is, your body will respond quicker to more nutrient-dense, fresh foods than it would with processed, low-quality foods. Tip: Just by going Vegan for 7 days, you already saved the lives of 2+ animals. (peta.org/blog/many-animals-saved/) 2.) INTERMITTENT FASTING •Start using stored fat as an energy source! Some methods i mentioned at the 16-8 Method, Eat/Stop/Eat Method, and The Warrior Diet Method. Refer to the video for more on the methods. Tip: Use your sleep to kickstart a fast into fasted cardio in the AM, if weight loss is a goal. 3.) DRINKING MORE WATER THROUGHOUT THE DAY •elevate your energy, boost your metabolism, flush your filter system, and most importantly stay hydrated. Our body NEEDS water to work its best. Don't deprive it of what it needs! Tip: If you sleep with water next to your bed, always keep it bottled or covered. You're probably drinking dust, fuzzies, and other things that aren't noticeable to the naked eye. *I am sorry if this video is a little fast but I included the cited websites so you guys could pause the video if need be to see the research! Please Like, Comment & Subscribe!

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