Channel: Natural Solution
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: sweet potatoesyamsdiethealth benefits of yamshealth tips
Description: Yams are a type of tuber vegetable that originated in Asia, Africa, and the Carribean. They’re often mistaken for sweet potatoes. However, yams are less sweet and more starchy. These tubers are highly nutritious, versatile, and may benefit your health in many ways. Here are health and nutrition benefits of yams. 1.May enhance brain function Eating yams may boost your brain. In one 12-week study, people who took a yam extract supplement scored higher on a brain function test than those in the placebo group. Yams contain a unique compound called diosgenin, which has been found to promote neuron growth and enhance brain function. 2.May have cancer-fighting properties Yams provide several antioxidants that may have anticancer properties. In an animal study, a yam-rich diet significantly reduced colon tumor growth. These effects were associated with the antioxidants present in yams, suggesting that these tubers may protect against cancer. What’s more, a test-tube study found that extracts from Chinese yam, specifically the peel, inhibited liver tumor growth and offered antioxidant properties. 3.May reduce inflammation The antioxidants in yams may help reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of various conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Eating anti-inflammatory foods, such as yams, can help manage chronic inflammation. Several rat studies have observed that yam powder reduced inflammation related to several illnesses, including colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and stomach ulcers. 4. May improve blood sugar control Yams may improve your blood sugar levels. In one study, rats given yam powder or yam water extract experienced decreased fasting blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels, compared with the control groups. HbA1c is a measure of long-term blood sugar control. Another study found that rats given higher amounts of purple yam extract showed reduced appetites, greater weight loss, and improved blood sugar control, compared with a control group. Furthermore, another study in rats found that supplementing with yam flour reduced the rate of blood sugar absorption, which led to improved blood sugar control. These effects are attributed to the resistant starch and fiber in yams. 5.May ease symptoms of menopause Yams may help alleviate some symptoms of menopause. In one 30-day study, 24 postmenopausal women switched from their staple food of rice to eating yams in 2 out of 3 meals (390 grams total) per day. Their blood levels of estrone and estradiol increased by 26% and 27%, respectively. Blood levels of estrone and estradiol — two estrogen hormones — typically decrease during menopause. Improving estrogen levels may ease menopause symptoms. 6.Improved digestive health. Studies indicate that the resistant starch in yams may increase digestive enzymes that help break down food and increase the number of good bacteria in your gut. 7.Weight loss. One animal study found that yam extract reduced food intake, suggesting that these tubers may help reduce appetite and improve weight loss. The fiber in yams may promote weight loss as well.