Channel: Best Trends
Category: Gaming
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Description: He won't stop EATING until he wins.. (Fortnite) *SUPER RARE* 3 STORM CIRCLES AT ONCE!! - Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments! #1053 BCC Doctor Tells Kid It's His Last Fortnite Game.. Doctor Tells Kid It's His Last Fortnite Game.. WOLVERINE in FORTNITE kid thinks he lives in fortnite.. OMG! FIRST MIDAS FISH CAUGHT!! (0.001% Chance) - Luckiest Fortnite Moments Subscribe for more Daily Best Fortnite: Battle Royale Moments! inspired by Ninja, Faze Tfue, Lazarbeam, Ali-A, Lachlan, mrtop5, mrfreshasian, tiko