Channel: Calysto
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: comic dubsundertale comicasgorehandplates part 35comicsbest undertale comic dubsdubsunexpected guestshandplates season 4 the movievadeundertale dubhandplates moviehandplates movie season 4sanshandplates the moviehandplates season 4best comic dubsundertale comic dubdubvade undertalehandplates season 3undertalepapyrusundertale comic dub compilationgasterhandplates season 4 movie fullcomiccomic dubhandplates
Description: It's been more than a year, but the fourth season of Handplates is finally concluded. Thank you all for following us on this journey, and make sure to stay tuned for a new instalment that may arrive much sooner than you think. ;) This series was written and drawn by the godlike mastermind Zarla! Tumblr - Deviantart - And the thumbnail was drawn by Sasha Dork! YouTube - Executive Producers: Carolyn Smith Nathaniel Stone Frida Magus Patreon Producers: MidgetIdiots Amelia Lehmuth AvaArtist Salsa SnowyGriffin RainbowJello Holli Vaine Paul Kerrigan Damuko Felisha Snyder Stephanie Lopez Abbie Ghent Katie Cooper Harry McGregor Andria Bruce Desiree Steinmetz Amanda Greengrass Beth Crow Jonathan Blaylock Clara De Rambures EYN Agnieszka Zurawicz Shelby Espino Megan Henry Nikki Birdsall Caitlyn Grudle Cheryl Butler Sarah Sears Sophia Catalano Illusive Jennifer Lazo Jenny Duncan Kaleigh-Ann Busch Laura V Regan Tardif Danna Brianna von Collenberg Cicimidnight Kazz Alexa Den Dartog Sarah Peterson Ochy Dochy CuddleThePumpkin Katreal Boss Tem Spyderweb Memory_Darkness Bluetashi Kimberly kattykat (((SOCIALS))) OUR DISCORD SERVER - TWITTER - TUMBLR - CELLO'S CHANNEL - CELLO'S TUMBLR - CHANNEL ART - DISCLAIMER FOR ARTISTS If you see art in this video that you believe is improperly credited, or that you would rather not feature in a video, please do not hesitate to send me an email at I'm likely to respond within the same day, and I will work with you until you get exactly what you want for your art, be it different credit, financial aid, or the video being removed entirely.