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Half Zombie: The Horror of Psychological Entrapment — Tale Bits

Duration: 16:10Views: 36.5KLikes: 2.7KDate Created: Jul, 2021

Channel: Tale Foundry

Category: Education

Tags: zombie apocalypsestorytellingstorieslorewalking deadfictionthe curedgirl with all the giftswritersliteraturecdc zombie 2021talefoundrywritingzombiezombies cold warnight of the living deadarmy of the deadwritefiction writingtale foundry

Description: CAMPFIRE BLAZE ➤ campfireblaze.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=TF_Q2_21 Try Campfire Blaze! You can create your own subscription by choosing the tools you need, or buy them each individually! Pay only for what you need! Use code this code for 20% all lifetime purchases: TF21 — We’ve been trained to recognize zombies as shambling bags of flesh. Undead punching bags. A convenient stock monster. But I don’t think that’s giving them enough credit. I think there are depths to the zombie archetype that have scarcely ever been explored. You might be surprised by just how much you have in common with these rotters. Maybe they’re not quite as monstrous as you expect. ▬▬▬▬ Credit/Attributions ▬▬▬▬ For a complete list of all sources used in all videos, please visit our Comprehensive Content Sources document: docs.google.com/document/d/1HFR3ck0NhdUchKM0atkKsZT4yl9xiY3-7FVELBhY89U/edit#bookmark=id.tob9wi5p8o3r Additional Music by Epidemic Sound: epidemicsound.com ▬▬▬▬ What is Tale Foundry? ▬▬▬▬ If fiction were a material, we would be its manufacturing plant. We make: ➤ Tale Foundry Episodes — Where we take apart stories to see what makes them tick, then recycle what we find to create our own. bit.ly/TaleFoundry ➤ Tale Bits — Where we pluck interesting ideas from stories and try to draw inspiration from them. bit.ly/TaleTips ➤ Writing Group — Where we run a weekly writing group stream on Twitch where we read stories from all of you, the community! We post the highlights here on the main channel once a month. bit.ly/TFWGHighlights ➤ TF Discord — Come join our community! thetalefoundry.com/discord ▬▬▬▬ Support Us▬▬▬▬ patreon.com/TaleFoundry ▬▬▬▬ Tale Foundry Team ▬▬▬▬ • Talebot — the talent • The Taleoids — the talent's helpers • Benjamin Cook — writer/channel founder • Diana Naneva — artist (instagram.com/functionalneighbour/) • Alexander Cuenin — video editor (youtube.com/CueninsCove) • Bazz Bartlett — audio editor

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