Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how togummy sodacoca cola de gelatinagominola gigantegummybottlehow to make giant gummy cola bottlejello coca cola bottlecoca cola de gomajello sodacolagummy coladiygiant gummy cola bottlebotella coca colacoca cola de gominolacokediy giant gummy cola bottlecomo hacercoca colagummy dessertgummy coca colagiant gummy coca cola bottlegummy bottlegummy giantgiant gummycocacolagiant gummy cola bottle recipe
Description: Welcome to Olga Crafts a channel with videos of ideas on how to make easy and simple crafts and life hacks Here are some pretty amazing hacks for the whole family! Learn how to make bracelets, brand new outfits for your Barbie dolls, creative toys, family and much more! :) Please watch: "cookie ice cream sandwich. Miniature food tutorial rainbow ice cream with magic dought" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- In this video I show you like a jelly bean jelly coca cola giant is made. For that we need a bottle of Coke, gelatin envelope, scissors and patience. You want to see how I did it?