Channel: CineFix - IGN Movies and TV
Category: Entertainment
Tags: picturehouseguillermo del toro moviesfox searchlight picturesthrillerbladenew line home entertainmentmovie director interviewdramadel toro movie breakdownfeaturesci-fiactionamen ra productionsblade iinightmare alleydel torofantasyhorrorguillermo del toro interviewwarner home videoguillermo del toro filmshellboy 2hellboynew line cinemaguillermo del torodel toro filmsdel toro moviesukcontentdel toro interviewpan's labyrinth
Description: From Cronos, all the way to Nightmare Alley via Hellboy and Pan's Labyrinth, Guillermo del Toro takes us through each of the 11 movies he's directed, recalling fond memories and lessons learned along the way. #IGN #Movies #Entertainment