Channel: CVG
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Tags: comedy clubxb1gta 5 secretsplaystation 4gta 5gta vmicrosofttipsps4comedy locationsecret locationguidessonyglitchgta mysterygrand theft auto v (award-winning work)xbox onee3 2015gta 5 ufoabductiongta v secretsgta 5 comedy clubhintsmysteriessecretsrockstar gamespcmysterylocationgta v ufo
Description: GTA V o'clock: More UFO secrets, New comedy club and RockStar surprise at E3 uncovered? ★ Sub to CVG: In this weeks GTA V o'clock James and Iain investigate the new evidence surrounding UFO's and the possibility of being abducted. Take a look inside the recently discovered comedy club and talk about what RockStar could be revealing at E3 2015. Rockstar Newswire Check out GamesRadar's guides Take a look at all our GTA V PS4 and Xbox one content Twitter @GTAVoclock