Channel: DaviDustin
Category: Gaming
Tags: gta 5 secretsgta sagta 5gta vgta 5 killerdarkmythhuntergta 5 new mythgta 5 ghostthesemythsgta infinite 8gta 5 jetpackgrand theft auto (video game series)gta 5 clownsgta horror filmgta 5 goatmangta v creaturegta 5 mysterygta mount chiliadgrand theft auto: san andreas (video game)davidustingta 5 swamp monstermachinimanorth yanktongta v myths and legendsgta 5 monstergta 5 michael's ghostdark cornersgta 5 bigfoot
Description: Full Investigation Unedited & With Facecam: Please help support this channel and get featured in future videos by giving a small donation here!: Menyoo's PC Trainer: CAN WE REACH 2000 LIKES?????? Follow me on Twitter: My Gaming/Vlogs Channel: Sorry for any typos or mistakes. Please watch in full screen and in full HD [1080p] If the text is too fast for you to read, just simply pause the video ! :) Special thanks to Sledge and Kevin MacLeod for the music. Check them out! GTA 5 - Michael's Ghost Part 2 Subscribe to the #1 myth busting channel in video games on YouTube and join the Truth Seekers! #KeepOnBusting #CreepyUniverse #KeepYouTubeCreepy #TruthSeeker