Channel: Jafromobile
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: standard11-210hyundaitorqueplatehonemicrometerjafrofitbalancelaserengineoil clearanceassemblygalantblockmitsubishiarpevogaugefluidamprprepistonbearing4g63fowlercleanboretaloneclipsecrankshaftwrist pinmeasureringsmetriceaglepartsplymouthcylinderdampenerboltjepulleywalldsm
Description: In this video we cover parts group section 11-210. The engine rotating assembly. The whiteboard demo starts around 25 minutes in. Most engines have the same sort of parts you'll see here, so this still applies to engines that aren't 4g63s... but if you happen to be building a 4g63 then I hope my efforts save you hours of time and research. This is high-grade DSM candy. A lot goes in to getting your rotating assembly clearances correct, and if it's not all the same parts you took apart to begin with, then you're likely to find issues that need to be resolved. Finding and correcting these issues TAKES TIME. This time spent is an inevitable hurdle to clear if you care about precision and accuracy. It's something that everyone who does an assembly correctly had to go through. It's hard for me to judge how relevant this information is as there are few people that want to do this work themselves these days (or appreciate the effort expended in doing the job right). Perhaps it's because of the cost of the tools? Perhaps it's a shrinking crowd of people who modify their own engines? Perhaps it's how cars have become computerized, confusing, proprietary pains in the arses... It's hard to say why exactly, but I recognize that this demographic is changing. I just want to shed some light on what I'm trying to achieve and why for those trying to get a better understanding of the process. The rotating assembly is the foundation upon which all of a car's personality, performance and reliability are built. If this is wrong, nothing else matters. I don't own the machines that can fix some of the anomalies in the parts that are being inspected here, but I do own the tools that help me discover them. Beyond that, I have access to facilities that are capable of correcting anything I find. There's some repetition here in relation to other projects I've built. My videos tell the story of the cars I build, and this is an important part of this car's story. This is not a stock power build. These are not factory parts. The specs I'm shooting for don't match what the factory said to do. So in this video my goal is to ensure that the specifications I'm trying to achieve are fully explained, and how I arrived at them. The inspection process is the same whether you're building for performance, endurance or fuel economy and this video is geared towards performance. Near the end I've given a reference for all the correct OEM parts that go into a complete rotating assembly. The crank polishing and balancing episode mentioned in the video... The micrometers I'm using... The torque plate I'm using... The torque wrenches I'm using... (3/8" and 1/2" drive) The Bore Gauge I'm using... Be warned that my drop gauge (the dial gauge on the end of the bore gauge) has been changed out with another one that measures .0001" accuracy and the one that comes with the cheap Amazon listing or the expensive one at JEGS that costs 4x as much only measure in .0005" increments. 5x less accurate. There are .0001" increment bore gauge alternatives made by SPI and sold by MSCtools that would do exactly what you see here. The SPI version measures down to 1.4" ID whereas mine starts at 2"... You would need that 1.4" minimum in order to measure the big ends of a 4g63 connecting rod. Something I can't currently do with the Stef's unit. The people who contribute to my Patreon tip jar are 100% the reason why I can still make videos like this. They've helped me achieve many goals so far regarding camera, editing, audio and lighting upgrades. Some of my choices weren't perfect, but I always do the best I can and over time I hope it will only get better. If you see tools, parts, services and events from my channel traveling down your internets and maxing out the resolution of your new 4K smart TV, then thank THEM for it. With every new contribution, all of that stuff will only get better. My Patreon subscriptions are per-video and I don't want anyone to ever give until it hurts. Please only contribute what each production is worth to you and I will include you in the list of saints at the end of supported content. I spend every cent of what I earn from Patreon and more towards the costs of my productions, and I hope it builds the capabilities of an elite audience more than I will ever care about building a big audience. If you wish to be a part of this community preserving the legacy of 4G63s, please visit