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Duration: 06:56Views: 15.4KLikes: 868Date Created: Jul, 2017

Channel: TheNationalDex

Category: Gaming

Tags: the dexhildewereldpokemonpokemon triviaphanpytriviapokemon sun and moonpokemon inspirationpokemon theoriessnoruntalex facianeminidexfacianeapokemon theorygrowlithepokemon sunpokemon factspokemon moonpokemon behind the scenespokekellzpokemon goldthe minidexpokemon silver

Description: Find out why you should always be nice to Phanpy, why Snorunt's not quite as cute as it seems, and Growlithe's original (much worse) name! It's the MiniDex, with this week's host, Hildewereld! NOTE: Snorunt is a Gen III Pokemon, not Gen IV! Join The Dex! Research Institute ►► bit.ly/thedexsub Find out which Pokemon we did trivia and strategy for on this week's The Dex! ►► bit.ly/thedex Connect With The Dex! Alex's Twitter ►► twitter.com/facianea PokeKellz's Twitter ►► twitter.com/pokekellz Facebook ►► facebook.com/TheNationalDex Official Discord ►► bit.ly/dexdiscord Buy Dex Stuff! ►► theyetee.com/thedex More Great Shows About Pokemon! The Dex! Podcast ►► bit.ly/thedexpod The Dex! Sun and Moon PSA's ►► bit.ly/thedexpsas The Dex! VS ►► bit.ly/thedexvs

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