
Remove Touch Overlay


Duration: 02:31Views: 2.1MLikes: 100.6KDate Created: Oct, 2020

Channel: sWooZie

Category: Film & Animation

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Description: A portion of this is an ad for Adobe Premiere video apps; Premiere Pro and Premiere Rush. Premire Pro: adobe.ly/32XSzR22 Premiere Rush: adobe.ly/3cuVLr44 Video edited with Adobe Premiere and animated with Adobe Animate. Stalk Me: ๐Ÿ“ทig: instagram.com/swoozie ๐ŸŽตTikTok: tiktok.com/@swoozieftw Storyboards // animation // backgrounds done by the animation God Zeurel: twitter.com/Zeurel youtube.com/user/Zeurel Visit the following for more info.: adobe.com/creativecloud/social-media.html

Swipe Gestures On Overlay