Channel: OfficialKerli
Category: Music
Tags: kerlikerli new musickerli greetings from the moon templekerli witchcraftnew edmkerli self lovekerli musicmoon temple kerlikerli forestkerli vlog 2017witchcraftmoon temple self lovegreetings from the moon temple sept 27kerli moon templekerli meditation2021kerli witchmoon templekerli 2017edmbehind the scenes kerlinew kerli musicgreetings from the moon templekerli vlogkerli edmwitchself love
Description: My precious Moon Babies, The summer has passed building the Moon Temple, getting a masters degree in self love and working on new art. I wanted to give you a candid look into my little forest world and send some love your way. Thank you for all your continuous support. Can't wait to release what I've birthed into the world soon! Integrity/Love/Unity -K