Channel: Fit For A Feast
Category: Entertainment
Tags: sloanetapworldsrehearsalskeletonshallowe'enchoreographerfitforafeastworld tap dancegroovechoreogrpahythrillerworld dance championshipsrhythmtap danceworld championshipskatrinagraveyardperformancechampionshipsmichael jacksonido world dance championshipsmatthew clarkdance
Description: This is my small group dance from the IDO World Tap Dance Championships! It's is a dance created by the ever talented Matthew Clark. Matthew owns his own studio in Buffalo New York, and has trained many of Abbey Lee Miller's students from Dance Moms over the years. He has also trained students who have gone on to do Broadway and be Rockettes. Matthew has been choreographing the Canadian Adult Tap team for years. The World Tap Dance Championships host teams from all over the world from Japan, Italy, Australia, the UK and more!! My team won the Silver Medal in 2014 :) This video was shot using the European PAL system. It was a little difficult to get the file for YouTube which is why it is not widescreen.