Channel: Meli
Category: Sports
Tags: snowboardingemma dahlströmskiwghero5hero4oslofeiyutechxgamesfollowcamgoprobig airskiingcity big airkarma gripmeligopro followski freestylehalfpipebobby brownalexanderjesper tjadermelissgus kenworthynorwaygopro gimbalsnowboard
Description: Back in February this year i went to the Winter X Games in Oslo (Norway) to shoot some Followcams with the GoPro Athletes. Here a little recap of what i was doing, enjoy! Follow me on Instagram and stay up to date! @alexandermeliss ( Custom musictrack by my friends Subsurface. Thanks a lot guys! Starring Jesper Tjäder, Gus Kenworthy, Ayumu Hirano, Bobby Brown and Emma Dahlström. Thanks to GoPro an X Games for making this happen!