Channel: Sugar8Cupcake
Category: Gaming
Tags: playpreviewhow togamerelicage of empires ii definitive editionshowupdatevideoquesttipsgame playde2goldreviewtodayage of empires 2capture the relicgoldengamerwondersugar8cupcakecivilizationswinguidenewsnewoverviewthoughtsracelet's playage of empires iidefinitive editiongame reviewhelp2019winnermust seeaoeaoe2vlogplaying
Description: Today let's play the new Age of Empire II Definitive Edition!!!!! I love to play AOE so I was so excited to play this new game!!! In the video I play as at a low population and try to beat out the other team to capture all the gold relics. Can I do it faster and win? Watch and see. SUBSCRIBE: Watch Chad Alan and I play Age Of Empires together here on his Mixer: _______________________________________________________________ Welcome to my gaming channel!! :D Check out more fun gaming videos here: