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Godzilla vs. BABY

Duration: 05:30Views: 14MLikes: 65.4KDate Created: Mar, 2020

Channel: Shutter Authority

Category: Film & Animation

Tags: king ghidoragojiratiny godzillagodzilla vs pacmangodzilla moviegodzilla vs babyshutter authoritygodzilla fightmothraゴジラgodzilla trailerking konggodzilla vfxgodzilla 2020micro godzillagodzilla true identitygodzilla eminemgodzilla music videogodzillakonggodzilla animationanimationgodzilla smallgodzilla vs konggodzilla vsmega godzilla

Description: Mini Godzilla meets his ultimate enemy Go to expressvpn.com/shutterauthority and find out how you can get 3 months free. Animated using Motion Capture Rokoko Smartsuit- rokoko.io/2UCCzzz VFX and Editing Tools: Adobe After Effects + RedGiant Universe, Blender 2.8, Davinci Resolve Baby- Ishaan Director/VFX- Raghav Producer- Divya Music: 1. Production Crate- Tread Carefully, The chase, Toon Thief 2. Double Agent- Everest Almond 3. Sneak and get caught- Kevin MacLeod 4. Mist- Odonis Odonis #Godzilla #GodzillaVsKong

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