Channel: BanditIncorporated
Category: Entertainment
Tags: ghidorahgodzilla king of monsters post creditking of the monstersgodzilla vs ghidorahgodzilla 2019 reviewcharles dancegodzilla 2 reviewrodantrailergodzilla mothragodzilla king of the monstersgodzilla 2019mothragodzilla trailergodzilla easter egglong live the kingmillie bobby brownmonstersking ghidorahgodzillatrailerstohogodzilla vs konggodzilla post creditgodzilla king of the monsters reviewgodzilla reviewgodzilla new trailer
Description: So Godzilla King of the Monsters is not doing that great at the box office. But it should be, since its way better than the last one, and way better than anything else out in cinemas at the moment. Long live the king......kong, since kong is better. OH YEAH! I said it! Bandit Incorporated T-Shirts and Merchandise: Patreon for Bandit Incorporated: Follow Bandit Inc on Twitter: Follow Bandit Inc on Facebook: