Channel: History Behind The Warrior
Category: Gaming
Tags: brokrevealjapanodinreactmimirtyrleviathan axegowhelbaldurps5poseidonhadesragnarokgod of war ragnarokfayenorse godsmythologymidgardzeusaresfreyaasgardkratosgow4gow5jotunheimmuralsgod of war 2018gameplaysurtrolympusgodspantheonsgod of warheimdalgreeceoriginsatreusboss fightthimble winterblades of chaosthorreactionegyptpharaohsmjornirgiantessgiantsstory modesindrirelease datefenrisfenrironisstorybifrost
Description: Use code HBTW14 for up to 14 FREE MEALS + 3 Free Gifts across 5 HelloFresh boxes plus free shipping at! Hey everyone! Welcome to another God Of War video! With us still coming off our exploration of Norse mythologies god and monsters, as well as the origins of the Goddess freya, In todays video we will be talking about another member of Odin broken family, Thors half brother and asgards ‘Fallen’ god of war, Tyr. Now, their absolutely no denying Tyr huge impact on the universe, and I don’t strictly mean for what he did to the Norse series realms, Tyrs exploration of worlds beyond his own, opens up the world of the God Of War series In many ways that will allow Kratos and Atreus to explore, with Ragnarok being marked as end of the norse series, It means that It Is only a matther of time till we explore what lies beyond the ice of midgard. Im very very excited to see what comes next but first thing Is first, what will become of Tyr In the events of Raganrok? And how will he encounter with the giant wold Fenris go? Please do comment down below to fire your own theory! Also dont forget to give this video a thumbs up! And If you love what we do here dont forget to subscribe and tick that bell! As theirs plenty more content on the way! ____________________________________________________________________ And feel free to get in touch with me here! Follow me - Twitch - #GodOfWar #Ragnarok #Kratos #Thor #Odin