Channel: Joyanima
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: courtney ryandating advicesexual tensionbody languagesexually attractivesigns shes hitting on yourelationshipssigns she likes youcrushpsychologydatinghow to seduce a womanhow to seduceflirtingseductionhow to get a girlfrienddating tipattractiveflirting signstouchsigns a girl likes youdoes she like mesigns she wants youis she seducing mewhere do girls like to be touchedattractionmarniflirtwhere do women like to be touchedseduce
Description: Girls Do THIS When Hitting On A Guy! 19 Signs She’s Hitting On You (Is She Flirting With Me?) In today's video we're going to be discussing 19 signs a woman is hitting on you! How can you tell if a woman is flirting with you? We're going to take a look at 19 thinks you can be on the look out for that will reveal if she is into you. You may have stumbled onto today's video because you're looking for advice on the following topics: How to tell if a girl is hitting on you, how to tell if a girl is flirting with you, how to tell if a girl likes you & many more along a similar theme. This video will come in helpful in all the above scenarios so be sure to watch all the way through. Is she hitting on you? It can be hard to tell if a girl is hitting on you or just being nice. Now I get it the reason is they do look very similar don't they. Especially to a guy who just wants to know if a girl is interested or not. So gents, how do you tell the difference? Well you need to be looking for the signs that prove she is hitting on you. Now some of these signs, they can be easy to spot but others they can be a lot more difficult. So today you've guessed it, I'm going to tell you about 19 signs that prove she is hitting on you. Now these signs are going to help you to stop missing out on the ladies that you think are just being friendly and nice. #Joyanima #Dating #Flirting 0:00 Intro 0:44 19 Signs she's hitting on you 0:52 She won't stop smiling 1:15 She is excited to be around you 1:38 She doesn't hesitate to touch you 2:09 She changes the way she dresses 2:28 She is giving off sexual energy 2:53 She sits close to you 3:14 She flirts with her body 3:35 It's all about eye contact 4:02 She is a big talker 4:30 She's nervous around you 5:07 She talks about your future 5:41 She fidgets 6:27 She asks you a lot of questions 6:44 She flicks her hair 7:07 She bites her lip 7:25 She lets you into her personal space 7:47 The opportunity to kiss her 8:08 She shows her body off subtly 🥰🥰🥰Join the Joyanima channel as a member: Benefits include: 😀Loyalty badges - show your support 😀Emojis 😀Access member only high engagement community posts - discuss future videos and more! 😀Behind the scenes bits and pieces 💌What did you think of today's video? Do you know of any other signs a girl is hitting on you? Comment below and let me know. I try my best to respond to as many comments as possible! 🥰Have you been enjoying our videos on relationship advice and psychology? Be sure to subscribe for more daily videos! Check out some of our other popular videos below. Give MeetYourPsychic a try today! Speak to any Love Psychic Advisor for up to 20 minutes at only $1/per min + their first 3 minutes are FREE! at *The above links are affiliate, we may receive a small commission if you make a purchase. ✨Signs a girl wants you to notice her ✨How do girls flirt? Learn 19 female flirting signs ✨Psychology of ignoring a woman ✨Signs a girl likes you: ✨17 Signs she wants to be your girlfriend ✨How to know if a girl likes you ✨28 Body language signs she likes you ✨13 Signs she's always thinking about you ✨15 Best questions to ask a girl ✨Seduction - how to tell if a girl is trying to seduce you ✨How to tell if a woman is checking you out ✨How to make a girl miss you ✨How to make her chase you ✨32 Weirdest traits women find attractive ✨How to make her obsessed with you ✨10 Signs she wants to kiss you 🔥Please consider subscribing if you enjoyed today's video. Every day we publish new videos on psychology, psychological tips, interesting facts, dating tips, relationship advice and more. Subscribe to never miss a video. ✍️Follow us on social media! 👋Blog: 👋Facebook: 👋Twitter: 👋Instagram: 🌷Patreon: 💐Become a member: