Channel: Baller Boot Camp
Category: Sports
Tags: baller boot campforesteaster vloghikinghike in forestdame lillard 2slost in foresteastereaster bruncheaster basketballbasketball shoesadidas crazy lightsgo hikingeaster sundayspring breakbrunchbasketball shoe collectioneaster breakaugie johnstonbasketball shoe reviewunder armour basketball shoes
Description: -- Subscribe Today is the first video I've ever released on my channel that isn't 100 percent related to basketball. I'm taking a big risk with this one, but I want to let you guys in. So with that said please click like and share this video if you enjoyed it and don't mind that I release something that's not completely basketball specific. Like I said in the video I'm pretty worried about this actually. Oh well, it's Youtube and so it's not the end of the world if the video just flops. I do put a ton of work into these vlog type videos though and tomorrow a new basketball tutorial is coming out so stay tuned! #WeDedicated, Augie Johnston P.S. if you want to follow me on my other accounts I'd love to have you! -- Follow Me -- Follow Me -- Join Us -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- You should now go over and watch this video...I actually picked it out special for you...Hint: floater ;) -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-