Channel: lel m8
Category: Entertainment
Tags: flipping videosryan naglethe netherlandschallengescool youtubersfreerunningtrickingtempestlel m8hard flipseditsparkourtanner foxtanner braungardttempest freerunningsuper trampolineplan zerogtrampeditfinal cut pro xfunny videosmatetrixamsterdamprogressingtempest trampoline parkworlds firstsupertrampolineunderrated youtubersquadflipscrazy flipsquad quadgetting bettertrying hard trickssebastian vercoejesse heffels
Description: Hope you guys enjoyed this video watching Joey and I progress in our flipping journeys! Stoked that my left ankle is getting stronger after resting and working it out! ALSO very excited for this trip to The Netherlands so if i'm going to see you at SuperTramp Freestyle Frenzy definitely leave a comment down below :) Love all of you mates and your support for my Channel! Check out MATETRIX TRICKING - Check out LEL M8 MERCH - Check out JAKILLEEN -