Channel: Izzy Parkhurst
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: collegesororityizzy parkhurstmental healthchit chat grwmparkhurst18life updatesget ready with me life updateq&alife updategrwmfreshman yeargrwm life updatevlogizzy parkhurst grwmcollege q&aget ready with mechit chat get ready with me
Description: HEY LOVES!! Today I am doing a chit chat get ready with me while I answer some of your questions about college and life!! I am SO SORRY for me literally talking for an hour and never answering any of the questions... ily XOXO ♡ OPEN THIS FOR MORE IZZY ♡ MAKEUP PRODUCTS USED: first aid beauty face cleanser sephora collection all day hydrator sephora collection brightening eye cream touch in sol no poreblem primer too faced peach perfect foundation tarte shape tape concealer rimmel stay matte pressed powder too faced chocolate soleilt bronzer the balm bahama mama bronzer tarte face palette ofra highlighter- rodeo drive tartlette in bloom palette covergirl lashblast mascara mac boldly bare lip liner BUY MY HOODIE: VLOG CHANNEL: TWITTER: @izzyparkhurst INSTAGRAM: @izzyparkhurst SNAPCHAT: @parkhurst18 Business Inquiries ONLY: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: NAME: Izzy Parkhurst AGE: 19 CAMERA: Canon 70D, Sigma 30 mm 1.4 lense EDITOR: Final Cut Pro Background Music: I do not own the rights to this music. This video is not sponsored!(: