Channel: Games Done Quick
Category: Gaming
Tags: twitchspeedrunslivesrlsummer games done quicksdasgdqgdqgames done quickspeed demos archivespeedrunagdqawesome games done quickvideo games
Description: Accessibility Day is a showcase of six games and communities that went above and beyond to be as inclusive as possible for players with disabilities or other needs. Accessibility is a lot more than just a difficulty slider, and we will be going into a bunch of different ways developers and communities have helped out to make this hobby enjoyable for everyone! This episode aired on May 7th, 2021. Introduction starts at: 0:00 Any% starts at 6:33 All Bosses starts at 17:39 Featured runners: Interested in hosting a speedrunning event on GamesDoneQuick's Twitch channel? Send us an email to hotfix at gamesdonequick dot com with your event details!