Channel: AhmedMoeTv
Category: Entertainment
Tags: dumpster diving jackpotplaystation 5dumpster diving gamestopplaystation 4ahmedmoetvgamestop dumpster divingdivingjackpot!!! gamestop dumpster dive nightps5jackpotdivegamestop dumpster dive nightdumpsterdivevintage gaming concolesgamestop dumpsterxbox 360garbage pickingxbox x seriesdumpster dive gamestopjackpot gamestop dumpster diving gamestopgameboy colourawesomegamestop dumpster divethe speedy diverbest!!! gamestop dumpster dive night
Description: GAMESTOP DUMPSTER DIVING JACKPOT!! FOUND VINTAGE GAMING CONSOLES!! FOUND GAMEBOY COLOUR!! WOW!! I have not been to gamestop in a really long time so I decided to go give it a try since last time I went I found a ps5 and more!! So once I got to the dumpster I was amazed at what I saw it was a box filled with controllers, but once I got home I discovered that there was a lot of vintage consoles such as gameboy colour, gameboy advanced and A LOT MORE!! watch full video :) Business email: ESHMOOD: SECOND CHANNEL ESHMOOD: MY SISTERS CHANNEL: Business email: Subscribe to me here: Social Medias ¬ Instagram: Ahmedmoeee ¬ Twitter: Ahmedmoeee ¬ SnapChat: AhmedMoe ¬ BACK UP Instagram: AhmedMoeTv ¬ BACK UP Twitter: AhmedMoeTv ¬ FAN Facebook page: #gamestop #jackpot Thank you!!