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Funny Elephant Toothpaste (Chemical Reaction)

Duration: 02:42Views: 4.9MLikes: 40.9KDate Created: Jan, 2016

Channel: DIY bama

Category: Science & Technology

Tags: dish soapfoamelephant toothpasteinteresting chemical reactionschemical reactionspotassium iodide

Description: you may find related materials in here: 35% hydrogen peroxide: goo.gl/RoVc9w Dry yeast: goo.gl/Muxei4 Potassium Iodide: goo.gl/Li4F9j Facebook: facebook.com/DIYbama-368512726671270 If we need to choose top 10 most interesting chemical reactions, I think elephant toothpaste must be one of them. Elephant toothpaste is a very easy and funny science experiment, which results in a rapid eruption of huge amount of foam. In the past few years, I have performed this experiment with my kids over 50 times. Things we need: Level 1: beginner level -10% hydrogen peroxide -food coloring -dish soap -yeast Level2: Intermediate level -20% hydrogen peroxide* -food coloring -dish soap -saturated potassium iodide Level3: ultimate level -35% hydrogen peroxide* -food coloring -dish soap -saturated potassium iodide *20% or above hydrogen peroxide is highly corrosive, please wear glove when you deal with it Elephant toothpaste is the decomposition process of hydrogen peroxide, while yeast / potassium iodide works as a catalyst to break down the hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. Soap will then mixed with the oxygen and water, which turn into foam.

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