Channel: Robert Renman
Category: Music
Tags: learn a blues in clearn guitarc bluesc blues licks for guitarlessonmaster guitar academyuseful guitar lessonsguitarrobertlearn how to play bluesrenmanblues licksblues soloblues licks guitarc blues licks
Description: ► Join here for Jam Track & Tab: Do you like funky blues? Well I hope so, because I'm gonna show YOU how to play a funky blues solo in C, by going back and forth between 3 funky licks. This is a funky blues in C, and I'm gonna teach you 3 licks, and then we simply alternate between them. Strung together, we span pretty much the whole 12 bar progression. I say pretty much, because I added a different lick to make it fit better with the V chord. The takeaway here is that you can repeat ideas with great success. You DON'T have to come up with completely new ideas for every lick. In fact, you shouldn't! What you SHOULD do, is to try and tell a story, by building from one idea to the next, and connecting ideas in a musical manner. When you are ready to learn with me: Go to ► My merch is here: ► My Amazon Store: I teach music theory, blues, rock, funk, country, scales, chords, triads... and much more. My website lessons come with Soundslice, which makes it incredibly easy to learn. Both tab and video are synced together in one view on the screen. ▼ Follow me here... Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Subscribe to my channel: I'm a guitar instructor in Canada, and I provide guitar playing lessons and gear advice, as well as gear demos.