Channel: Bodibiday Fitness
Category: Entertainment
Tags: booty workoutbodibidayhow to gain weight for skinny girlsgain weight for skinny womenhow to gain weightexercises to gain weight for women at homeabs workout for beginnerswomen bestgaining weight for skinny womenab workout for beginnersgym workoutbuilt barab workout for womenbootyhow to get a bigger butt
Description: Open for more 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 Check out Built Bar: Use code "Daysha20" to get 20% off! THE WORKOUT: 1️⃣ 5-10 Incline Push-Ups (hold for 5-10s) 2️⃣ 15 Dips 3️⃣ 15 Split Squats (each side) 4️⃣ 10-15 Hip Thrust (hold for 5-10s) 5️⃣ 10-15 Jump Squats (hold for 5s) 6️⃣ 10 Tiger Bend Push-Ups 7️⃣ 30-60s Plank Hold __________ ♡ SUBSCRIBE: New Videos Every Week. ♡LIKE This Video: It Really Supports My Channel! A LITTLE ABOUT ME: Whats up everyone!!! My name is Daysha aka. Bodibiday and I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer. I used to be extremely skinny!! Not on purpose, but more of a genetic thing and a high metabolism... 87lbs was the most I ever weighed and I was able to put on over 20lbs of muscle, build curves and gain so much more confidence! So I dedicate my life and this channel to helping others, especially women, gain weight in a healthy way by working out and building muscle and educating about how the body works!