Channel: Pack A Puncher
Category: Gaming
Tags: fortnite gameplayfortnite updatefortnite battle royalefortnite skinsfortnite winterfest 2021winterfest fortnitefortnite winterfestchapter 3 xp glitchchapter 3 updatefortnite chapter 3fortnite christmasfortnite update todaychristmas fortnitexp glitch fortnitenew fortnite updatewinterfest 2021fortnitefortnite chapter 3 event
Description: In today's stream we'll be checking out Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 Update v19.01 Winterfest 2021! Drop a LIKE if you're hyped! In this Fortnite update we should see the Winterfest event with free rewards and challenges, new skins leaks added to the files, new items, weapons, & SO much more! 💰 DONATE & BE ON STREAM: 💸 BECOME A MEMBER: SPECIAL DONATIONS: $5.00 - Five Dollar Footlong $6.66 - Conspiracy Confirmed $7.77 - Lucky Nyan Cat $10.00 - Banana Party $17.38 - Trap Queen $20.00 - Super Dog $25.00 - John Cena $50.00 - NUKE! TAKE COVER $100.00 - HALLELUJAH $200.00 - STORM WARNING $500.00 - PACK A PUNCH HYPE!!! 💎 Use my Creator Code Packk in the Fortnite Item Shop! Code Packk DAILY Facebook Videos: On Facebook Gaming I upload DAILY Call of Duty Videos! COD Warzone, Multiplayer, and Zombies! Twitch Streams: On Twitch I stream everything Non-Fortnite: COD Zombies, Warzone, etc :) ▶️ Twitter: ▶️ Instagram: Join my Discord Server & come hang out with me: 🎮 ALL Livestream Replays: 😁 ALL Vlogs: Thanks for watching the live stream, I hope you enjoy :)